You can reach Grado by using the following means of transportation:
The Exit to Palmanova (28 km before Grado) on A4 Trieste - Venezia highway and A23 Tarvisio - Udine.
City and inter city buses link Grado with other Italian cities and other European countries.
Telephone Grado Bus Station: (0039) 0431 80055
Bus schedule information:
Cervignano del Friuli Train station (16 km far) Udine Train Station (45 km far). There are regular links with city and intercity busses.
More information about train schedule and routes can be found on the following website:
The nearest airports are Ronchi dei Legionari Aiport - Friuli Venezia Giulia, just 18 km from Grado, Marco Polo - Venice 120 km far away and San Giuseppe - Treviso 145 km away from Grado.
Venice, Marco Polo Airport, tel. (0039) 0412 606111 -
Treviso, San Giuseppe, tel. (0039)0422 20393.
Trieste, Ronchi dei Legionari, tel. (0039)0406 31484 -
On the website of you can find all the streets in the area and more then that, you can calculate the distance and the time you´ll spend on the way, from the place of your departure to Grado
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